Wellness Unlimited Co. Events Terms & Conditions


Wellness Unlimited Co. is dedicated to empowering individuals on their wellness journey through sound healing and mindfulness practices. By participating in our events, you agree to the following Terms & Conditions. Please read them carefully and reach out if you have any questions.

Participation and Health

By attending our events, you confirm that you are physically fit to participate in the planned activities. If you have any health concerns, consult with a healthcare professional prior to attending.

Event Activities

Our events may include sound healing sessions and occasionally provide food. Any food offered is complementary and intended to enhance your experience, not to replace a meal or serve as a commercial food service.

Disclaimer and Liability

Participation in our events is voluntary and at your own risk. Wellness Unlimited Co. is not liable for any injuries, health issues, or adverse reactions arising from participation in our activities or consumption of any provided food. Always listen to your body and prioritise your well-being. The information and activities provided are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Refunds and Credits

Event fees are non-refundable. If you are unable to attend, you may receive a credit towards Wellness Unlimited Co.’s services within 30 days of the event date, applicable to future events or other offerings.

Marketing Communications

By registering for our events, you consent to receiving marketing emails from Wellness Unlimited Co. You can unsubscribe from these communications at any time.

Health and Safety

The wellness practices and information provided at our events are intended to support your well-being but should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a qualified healthcare professional for health-related concerns.

For the safety, comfort, and respect of all attendees, we kindly ask that you arrive at our events with a positive and respectful mindset. Disruptive behaviour, including aggression, inappropriate comments, or any actions that compromise the well-being of others, will not be tolerated. Wellness Unlimited Co. reserves the right to remove any participant whose behaviour negatively impacts the experience of the group.

In addition, due to the sensitive nature of the healing work and the energies involved, we ask that you do not attend any session under the influence of drugs or alcohol. The energy work we do is most effective when participants are fully present, grounded, and clear-headed. Anyone who appears to be under the influence of substances may be asked to leave without a refund, as it is incompatible with the safe, nurturing environment we strive to create.

Food and Allergies

Any food provided at our events is complementary and not intended to meet specific dietary needs. Participants are responsible for managing their own dietary requirements and allergies. Exercise caution and discretion if you have any food sensitivities.

Pregnant Women Participation

We welcome pregnant women to our events and aim to provide a safe, nurturing environment for expectant mothers. However, participation in sound healing, mindfulness practices, and other event activities during pregnancy is at your own discretion. It is important that you consult with your healthcare provider before attending our events to ensure that the activities are suitable for your individual health and pregnancy stage. By attending, you acknowledge that you are responsible for your own well-being and that of your unborn child.

For pregnant women who are new to sound baths, feel unsure, or are in their first trimester we generally recommend positioning yourself further away from the sound source and choosing a spot where you can easily leave the session if you feel uncomfortable. Experienced participants may prefer to be closer to the sound, even in the later stages of pregnancy, and many find it a deeply enjoyable experience. If you feel uncomfortable during the session we want to ensure that you have the option to adjust or leave as needed.

Please inform the event facilitators in advance of any specific needs or modifications you may require during your pregnancy to ensure a comfortable and safe experience.

Assumption of Risk

By attending our events, you acknowledge that you are voluntarily participating and assume all risks associated with the activities, including but not limited to sound healing, movement, and the consumption of food. Wellness Unlimited Co. is not liable for any injury, illness, or adverse effects resulting from your participation.

Event Changes and Cancellations

Wellness Unlimited Co. reserves the right to make changes to the event schedule or cancel events due to unforeseen circumstances. In the case of cancellation, participants will be offered a full refund or the opportunity to transfer their registration to another event.

Intellectual Property

All content and materials provided during our events, including but not limited to sound recordings, teaching materials, and handouts, are the intellectual property of Wellness Unlimited Co. and are for personal use only. Reproduction, distribution, or sharing of these materials without explicit permission is prohibited.

Additionally, while we welcome wellness professionals as participants in our events, we ask that you respect the nature of the group dynamic. We do not encourage the promotion or sale of your own services to other participants during the event, within any private WhatsApp group associated with the event, or through soliciting participants afterward. The relationships formed during our retreats and events should remain on a participant-to-participant basis to foster a supportive and neutral space for everyone.

Photography and Media

By attending our events, you consent to any photographs or videos taken during the event being used for promotional purposes by Wellness Unlimited Co. If you prefer not to be included in any media, please inform the event facilitator prior to the start of the event.

Contact Us

For any questions or further clarification, please contact us.